Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break '08

Memorable events of the 2008 edition of spring break:

* Starting a hit list -- at the top is whoever invented the bus seat without considering that eventually, people will want to sleep on these

* Developing a superpower -- after walking around in NYC rain for a whole day, I was able to walk straight through puddles without FEELING anything!

* Explaining who Abraham Lincoln was to a few Canadians (he was a president, right?)

* Playing a runaway piano -- it was on wheels, and by the end of the song I could barely reach it

* Sara's mom made us pancakes!

* Visiting Washington DC

* Meeting Jon's parents... by myself...

* Spending Easter sleeping on the floor. I wasn't even medicated, just sick.

* Getting followed around the subway station by a freaky, spitting, un-talented rapper

* Singing!


  1. Well, it's about time :) I stopped checking this blog for post and what a surprise. Don't make me/us wait so long for the next post. You're a college student...you've got stories. Looks/sounds like you had a fun Spring Break, nice pictures, but I still would like to see the bad haircut pic. :)

  2. Anonymous4:31 pm

    I have to agree with Janet - "we" have no life, so we like to read about yours!!! AND I like your bangs! I think it is cute on you!

  3. yay!...You Blogged!


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