Thursday, October 18, 2012

One Month of Less: Day 18: Cut His Hair

Jon's hair is so easy to cut, I should probably start making him cut his own.

I've been cutting it on and off since college. More "on" now that we are married, although occasionally his mom steps in with advice on how to disguise his misshapen head. (She calls them "corners").

We use a buzzer. He likes his hair so short that he usually wants a haircut every month. If it is long enough that it could be sticking in the wrong direction when he wakes up in the morning, then it is too long. Heaven forbid he should have to take time to run it underwater before he goes to school...

Anyway. With the cost of driving to a salon, paying, and tipping, I figure I am easily saving $350 a year by cutting his hair for him instead of having it done at the salon. We got our buzzer for less than $25 at Walmart. Worth every penny!

I don't think I'll be cutting my own hair anytime soon -- I'm just not brave enough. OR skilled. I only get my hair cut about 3 times a hear anyway, so that's more manageable.

PS - has anybody else discovered a lotion hoard in their closets or is it just me??

For the month of October I'm doing one thing a day that is a step towards a simpler way of living -- less cluttered, less wasteful, less distracted. My goal through this month of less is that by taking a new step every day, I will be able to live in a way that is more organized, more stewardly, more purposeful. Read more about it here, and let me know if you're joining in!

1 comment:

  1. Lois showed me how to cut Dan's years (and years) ago and I still cut it for him. Now days its a lot easier because he and Nick both want theirs buzzed. Quick and easy. I figure with the savings I'm allowed to get my hair done by a professional, every 2 months or so. Tony usually gets his cut by a pro too because he likes the "Justin Beiber" look. LOL and Thanks for the tip on how to change my blog template. I used one of theirs but someday YOU will have to show me how you did YOURS!!! I like yours its so colorful and "HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY". (new phrase we use around the house...thanks to "Duck Dynasty"). Enjoy your "One Month of Less" post. Hope all is well with you two. Hope to see you on turkey day and if not you better be there for xmas. Aunt Janet


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